Thursday, December 29, 2011

Kim Jun Ho

I'm started to like you already..haha.. This is killing me.. I know you since you've been in gag concert last year..But i never expected that I'll like you.. You're the third person in gag concert that I like.. First is Lee Sugeun, 2nd is Kim Byeongman and you're the third person.. I like Kim Dae Hee too actually.. Both of you're too awesome.. I always saw you in Happy Together.. I think 4 times including this day I saw you.. 
You're too funny.. I remembered when you appeared in Happy Together 3 with your sister..Hoyoung and his sister Amy also there.. I think you're the best actor..haha.. How can you lie to your mother like that? 
Whatever.. Kim Jun Ho jjang!!! I'll always root for you and Kim Dae Hee.. Both of you like a couple..haha.. Too cute when together <3

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