Monday, December 26, 2011

2011 KBS Entertainment Awards

Yesterday is wonderful day.. After Qualifications of Men I got to watch 2011 KBS Entertainment Awards..
Here the person that I love.. I'm so happy to see them won award.. Both of them.. I can see how happy they're..haha..Especially Yang Junhyuk.. Jeon Hyeonmu won Best Entertainer Award..
That's my big boy.. When the MC said Yang Junhyuk.. He's shocked. He said "me?" ..He never expected will win.. But he deserve to win.. He's nominated as Rookie Award.. We can see all member of Qualifications of Men support him.. Jeon Hyeonmu and Hyeongbin hold the banner for him.. They're so kind.. Not only Jeon Hyeonmu and Yang Junhyuk win.. Kim Tae won also win by Special Award.. He's really cool.. Go Boohwal!!! Go Qualifications of Men.!! 

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