Saturday, November 10, 2012

121110 윤계상의 One Table E011 Part 1

Hye everyone.. Know about this ?? This is One Table.. This is all about food passion.. They love to cook.. Actually I don't have an idea that this show will give a suprise for fangod.. Just watch it and you'll know how I'm feel like.. The beginning was so happy and fun but at the end they make me cry.. I love when Kye Sang oppa want to give a drink for god member..  Hoi and Taewoo? Who will he choose to give a drink first?? Guess who?? Of course Hoi.. haha.. You know what taewoo do? watch it.. And then Kye Sang know that, he just do something sweet to taewo.. arghh!! just like before.. Taewoo still the maknae (youngest) for them.. haha.. Cute!!!! Yoon Kye Sang oppa, I don't know how you feel ,but I'm so sorry before this.. I will never blame you.. Love all of you!

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