Friday, November 30, 2012

g.o.d vs Kim Tae Woo??

Hye guys.. 1.26 am already.. So good morning^^ hehe.. Actually I just want to share with you about this guys.. Yesterday I already think about it but I've meeting last night.. This is my chance to talk about it.. As you know from my last2 story, is all about g.o.d right? So this time, I want to talk about them again.. Maybe you guys boring already but only this group that can move me.. 

If you guys ask me , who will I choose between them? g.o.d or Kim Tae Woo? as you know , I know Kim Tae Woo first .. Maybe you will say that I'm gonna choose Tae Woo right? it's wrong.. If you ask me, I'll choose g.o.d rather than taewoo.. why?? Because without g.o.d Kim Tae Woo will not born in this industry.. Without JYP too, he will not entered this industry.. JYP and g.o.d make who him this day..  If you ask me who I loved more?? I'll choose g.o.d too.. 

I think Kim Tae Woo also think what I'm think.. Trust me.. My instinct is he really loved g.o.d.. Everything when he do a performance , there will be a g.o.d songs.. Every show he do, he will talk a little bit about g.o.d. That's why I loved this guy.. He never forget what make him today.. They're been loyal with JYP till the end even one company offer father's Taewoo 600000 million for g.o.d.. They still loyal to JYP.. 

g.o.d is the main character.. What I'm gonna to say is If g.o.d will make a comeback, they must be so happy.. Not only them but for fangod too.. Thanks g.o.d for making my day since 2009.. it's such a pleasure to know you.. If I didn't know g.o.d ,till now I'll not I'm today.. Thanks to God too for allowed me to know you^^

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

T-Virus Concert vs Album Word I'd Want To Say

 Hye buddy.. How are you today?? Actually I'm in big problem.. That's because of money.. haha.. You want to give me some money?? haha.. Just kidding.. Actually I want to buy his album.. But I don't know which one? This album, RM 80..

For this T-Virus Concert is RM 150.. How?? I don't have enough money to buy this.. But If i'm think about it again, better buy this than RM80.. Can I sacrified just like before??  In I day I just eat one time only for buy T-School album.. haha.. Because my mom birthday on this December.. I want to buy some gift for her.. So it's not enough money.. Arghhhh!! Stress! My mom or taewoo?? If you as me?? who will you choose? of course mom right?? haha.. I don't know3!!! Enough money or not i still have to buy it.. In my saving I've Rm 200.. Is it enough to buy both of that?? My mom present and taewoo dvd concert??

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Kim Tae Woo T-School Album

 Hye... I'm happy.. So happy.. Finally what I'm waiting for , i got it.. This is photobook T-school album.. Who buy his album would know.. hehe^^ I buy special edition/limited edition.. Actually I want his first album T-Virus but there's no stock for that album..hmm.. Maybe this week,I'll buy another one.. Hope I got enough money to buy it..
 This is the cover album.. How is it? I never know that someday i'll get his album.. Unbelievable.. That's because I'm in malaysia.. It's too hard to find his album.. There's no Kim Tae Woo album in here.. If I finished to buy his album,. next i'll buy g.o.d album..  Even all of your album is expensive I rather to buy it ,because that's the only one way for me.. If my dad still here, he maybe going be mad to me.. ahha.. His fault actually.. He loves jpop and I love kpop.. So ? He can buy jpop songs.. wHY I can't?? am i right?? haha
Kim Tae Woo oppa, If you read this .. I just want you to know that I'm your fan, fangod.. I don't know how to make you know me.. I'm always tweet you in twitter, post in your youtube, cyworld.. Always love all member of g.o.d

Saturday, November 17, 2012

121117 윤계상의 One Table E011 Part 2

Firstly I want to thanks to who upload this video in youtube..It's so meaningful for me,not just for me but to all fangod.. There is no subs in this video and I don't understand at all.. Only certain words..  What I'm gonna to say is i want Yoon Kye Sang be back to god.. From what I saw, he miss god.. I didn't know what Taewoo said to him, for the first time I saw taewoo be mature , i know he wants kye sang back to god.. all the member wants him back.. This part full of emotion.. It's too sad for me, and the tears come out.. All the member cried at the end..  From what Taewoo said, it's possible for g.o.d comeback and I hope kye sang also there.. Most happiness part is when Hoi played a piano a song is Sky Blue Balloon.. the best part is when Kye Sang sing, 'anyonghaseyo g.o.d imnida'..  That's make me think that he still part of g.o.d.. He seems to be happy with that.. ^^ Let's all wish that g.o.d will be back soon with 5 members.. always love them..fangod

121117 불후의 명곡2 손호영(Son Ho Young) - 사랑과행복그리고이별

Hye guys, how are you today? great?? I'm great today.. Who watch Immortal Song 2 today?? Son Hoyoung won for today! I'm really proud of him.. He deserve to win.. I'm glad for both of them.. Taewoo and Hoi.. Both of them win in Immortal Song 2.. I'm proud to be fan of g.o.d ^^

Kim Tae Woo comments on possible g.o.d promotions

Hye, so hows?? Are you getting excited about this news?? For me I'm very happy to hear that.. Absolutely excited.. I can't describe how happy I am today.. First I got to watch part 2 for One Table .Secondly , SOn hoyoung won in Immortal Song 2 and this is the most why I'm happy today.. Thanks for give your fans a chance to see you again.. I mean g.o.d .. But one thing that I want most is if you will do a comeback I want yoon kye sang also there.. It's not because I'm not appreciate what you guys do but i'm truly want him back.. From what I saw him in One table today, I know he miss g.o.d and he want to comeback..  I know that.. i just hope yoon kye sang realize that his fans need him in g.o.d.. Without him, i don't know..

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My new hobby

Hye, just want to share my new hobby... Since I went to University , I love to watch movies.. Anything kind of movie.. I prefer english, korean and hindustan movies rather than malay movies.. I'm too bored live in Muadzam Shah.. There's no entertainment.. So what i'm gonna to do when I'm bored was watched movies.. Last 2 week or 3 weeks ,I watched movies 8pm till 5 am.. haha.. I'm too bored.. But now since i buy a cable, everyday I'll played every kind of videos in youtube.. First, of course g.o.d and then I'll search whatever related to my 3 khan.. haha.. yeah, i know i'm silly girl.. haha.. Yesterday I watched Ghajini .. Great movie.. Aamir Khan as a main character.. happy beginning and sad ending of the story.. I think this is the most movie that I've seen Aamir Khan was so handsome,,smart and blablabla.. Seriuosly.. For Shahrukh khan I prefer Don 2.. I know if i like someone i'll search everything about that people.. That's me.. but they can't beat my only g.o.d.. If i found new person and i really2 love 'that people' still can't beat how much i love g.o.d. Why? because they're the first and the last one that will entered in my life.. So for this case, i know i love my 3 khan especially aamir khan, you can see next month what will i'll be..

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Aamir Khan

Hye everyone, these day I like to watch hindustan movie..  I think everyone know him.. Aamir Khan.. I just bored that's why I post it.. Edit his photo and post it.. Nothing special.. hmm.. Who loves him ?? His too adorable and cute..  Everyone has their own personality.. Don't forget his coming movie Talaash and Dhoom 3.. In Talaash he with kareena kapoor.. yeah! goodnight everyone..

Saturday, November 10, 2012

121110 윤계상의 One Table E011 Part 1

Hye everyone.. Know about this ?? This is One Table.. This is all about food passion.. They love to cook.. Actually I don't have an idea that this show will give a suprise for fangod.. Just watch it and you'll know how I'm feel like.. The beginning was so happy and fun but at the end they make me cry.. I love when Kye Sang oppa want to give a drink for god member..  Hoi and Taewoo? Who will he choose to give a drink first?? Guess who?? Of course Hoi.. haha.. You know what taewoo do? watch it.. And then Kye Sang know that, he just do something sweet to taewo.. arghh!! just like before.. Taewoo still the maknae (youngest) for them.. haha.. Cute!!!! Yoon Kye Sang oppa, I don't know how you feel ,but I'm so sorry before this.. I will never blame you.. Love all of you!

Monday, November 5, 2012

[HD] 121104 G.O.D - Preview @ Kyesang's One Table (지오디 | GOD)

This is the teaser that I've said before.. watch it and you'll feel the emotion of them.. How happy they're and how sad they're.. Wait for their full episode.. It'll release soon in Olive Tv.. god forever!! I've been download it last night.. ehhe.. Everyday I watch , laugh and cry at the same time.. =)

g.o.d reunited in One Table Yoon Kye Sang

Omo, did you believe that?? For the first time since 8 years ago.. It's brought too many tears because of that.. For the first time I heard that, I don't believe that Yoon Kye Sang will invited g.o.d for the last episode of One Table and he cooks for them.. You can watch it in youtube.. Only a teaser.. If you want a full episode just wait.. I can't express how happy I am .. Park Joon Hyung tweet about their reunited.. I can see the future of g.o.d.. They will make a comeback for sure.. Seriuosly, because I can see Yoon Kye Sang.. He missed the moment when with g.o.d.. At the end of the teaser, they shed a tears.. Yoon Kye Sang make me cry.. Even I don't understand what they said.. i can feel what their feeling right there.. Please comeback soon ! I don't care if I've to wait for a long time, just make a comeback.. I'm happy to see 5 of you in one table.. I'm always love you as a fangod.. god forever!