Hye guys.. 1.26 am already.. So good morning^^ hehe.. Actually I just want to share with you about this guys.. Yesterday I already think about it but I've meeting last night.. This is my chance to talk about it.. As you know from my last2 story, is all about g.o.d right? So this time, I want to talk about them again.. Maybe you guys boring already but only this group that can move me..
If you guys ask me , who will I choose between them? g.o.d or Kim Tae Woo? as you know , I know Kim Tae Woo first .. Maybe you will say that I'm gonna choose Tae Woo right? it's wrong.. If you ask me, I'll choose g.o.d rather than taewoo.. why?? Because without g.o.d Kim Tae Woo will not born in this industry.. Without JYP too, he will not entered this industry.. JYP and g.o.d make who him this day.. If you ask me who I loved more?? I'll choose g.o.d too..
I think Kim Tae Woo also think what I'm think.. Trust me.. My instinct is he really loved g.o.d.. Everything when he do a performance , there will be a g.o.d songs.. Every show he do, he will talk a little bit about g.o.d. That's why I loved this guy.. He never forget what make him today.. They're been loyal with JYP till the end even one company offer father's Taewoo 600000 million for g.o.d.. They still loyal to JYP..
g.o.d is the main character.. What I'm gonna to say is If g.o.d will make a comeback, they must be so happy.. Not only them but for fangod too.. Thanks g.o.d for making my day since 2009.. it's such a pleasure to know you.. If I didn't know g.o.d ,till now I'll not I'm today.. Thanks to God too for allowed me to know you^^