Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kim Tae Woo T-School Album

Hye!! I've a good news to me!! hehe... You know what? I'll get Tae woo oppa album soon!! Just waiting now.. You know, when I told my friend,they're getting mad.. Why? They think I'm wasting my money.. Arghhh!! I don't know care.. yes, maybe it's too expensive but this is only chance for me to get his album.. Per  day i only eat only one times for 1 week.. haha.. That's will make you think that I'm crazy right? If you like someone,you can do anything for him.. Seriously.. I didn't lie to you..  It's was so hard to like Kim Tae Woo in Malaysia.. Because there's no Kim Tae Woo album or g.o.d album.. I really want their album.. at least one of them.. I just can't stop thinking about my friend in seoul.. She anytime can meet g.o.d member.. Last time she meet hoyoung.. Don't you know how much I jealous to her?? She take a picture of him.. Just she and hoi.. omo, that's really make me hurt.. You know what? I'm cried when watch that photo.. haha.. I don't know why.. I'm supposed to be happy for her.. Actually when i'm turn 25 years I'll go to seoul with my friends.. haha.. We already plan it.. And my friend in seoul already agree to be our tour guide.. hahah... That's cool right?? ahha

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