Sunday, January 1, 2012

Yang Joon Hyuk have a Blind Date

I have no idea.. Seriously, this is the best ever since I really got into Qualifications Of Men.. How can Jeon Hyeonmu suggest to producer to make a blind date for you..haha.. I'm shocked for a minute.. What's make me laugh is you call Jeon Hyeonmu 1 a.m and just said you thinking of him.. Now I know, you must feel really lonely.. I feel bad for that.. This is right time for you to get married actually.. You must be thankfully to Jeon Hyeonmu and other members right? She's pretty ,intelligence and gorgeous .. This episode really funny.. I can't stop smiling and laughing to see you with that lady.. Actually you're looking good if you have a good style..  For the first time I saw you with that style.. You looks cute and very gentlemen.. haha.. I still remember what you said that her.. She asking you" Aren't you feel cold".. Want to know what he answer? He said " I'm not cold when you're with me".. That time I screaming!!! She said" Are you pratice that line?"I think he really like her.. haha..I really want to see a good relationship between you and her.. You single for a long time..and this is the right time to you be a good husband and a good father.. haha.. Am I thinking so far? Actually I happy to see you get married.. You're the youngest or maknae in your family right? Have a brother and sister.. I'm sure that they're already married.. You're cute! really cute! Not even I saying that but your friends too.. I'm so excited!! Park Hyerim, please be nice to him.. haha..He's so innocent person and really down to earth.. I means he's humble person..


  1. i agree this episode was really daebak! Just watched it today on KBS World..
    Can't believe Jun Hyuk still hasn't married yet.He is like the most perfect gentleman ever! I am a guy and i am sooo jealous of him right now...
    And the girl is really pretty and gorgeous too...
    I really hope this couple works out and gets married =]
    love your blog too so keep it up!

  2. haha.. we will see..I'll askk him when he want to get married okay..=)
