Sunday, January 1, 2012


Why this is too hard for me?Why? I've this 4 person.. Kim Yunseok,Kim Jung Tae, Kim Tae Woo and Yang Joon Hyuk.. Who I love.. This will be easy to smile again right? They can make me smile again right? But in this case I don't think this will be work.. Why do you want to go? You're not happy to be friend with me? Why must do you leaving me? Is it because I've this person? Because do you think they can make me happy? If they can make me happy , that's just a while.. My heart is bleeding already.. What am I supposed to do? Kim Tae woo can you make me happy when she's not here? I don't think you can..haha. You're honeymoon now.. Yangshin? I'm getting crazy already.. Somebody please make me happy during she's not here with me.. 

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