Saturday, May 21, 2011


can i start now??ehem2.. let me introduce this man..

his name is kim byeongman.. i don't know since when i like him.. maybe when they said he's twin with sugeun...Sugeun is one of my fav person.. but since i watch dream team.. for the first time i see him in dream team..he's such e great person who win around 30-40 sec..unbelievable.. and when danny from god leave dream team.. i don't watch it every week but after byeongman enter in dream team.. every week i want to look his perf.. i looking forward to him.. and i'll watch gag concert every week to look him..he's real master... and until the end will be my great person..he's weak is height but i's doesn't matter bcoz he can do better than everyone..

that's make me like him sooooo much..just like sugeun.. two comedian when together it's make me happy to see them...

they'll make me laugh and forget my them forever and ever!!!

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