Thursday, December 30, 2010


Ta sangka betul..haish.. malam td lia mimpi.. dan mimpi pasl taewu..haha.. rasa2nya mimpi yg indah atau ta? mesti korg rasa yg indah an..huhu
ceritanya cam nie.. lia ta taula masa tu kat korea atau malaysia.. lia ngan fazila g satu event nie..
masa tu kiteorg di jemput.. then kiteorg dokla luar..da abez makn,da na balik..pastu lia t'pandang sebelah kiri dan ttbe lia t'nmpak taewu..tapi mase tu ramaila lg artis korea ada.. mungkin taewu baru smpai..liapun terus lari tapi bkan terus g kat dia..juz lalu je na tgok dia..ta brani na tegur dia lg..lgpun dia nga cakap2 ngan artis len.. pastu lia pandang lg skali tgok dia da hilang.. lia na buktikan kat org yg ta caya yg lia ley jumpa taewu tu..sbb tu lia membranikan masuk untuk jumpa dia..liapun terusla cari dia kat dalam.. pastu ta jumpa..tgok2 dia nga duduk..sorg je plak tu.. tp mase tu dia cm ada at 1 tempat niela.. ttbe lia brani plak na jumpa dia.. liapon pegila pastu da dekat tu..lia hulurkan tangan na salam ngan dia.. dan diapun bg signal.. betapa happynye saat tu.. lia teus hug dia..haha..lame plak tu..lia cakapla kat dia, lia na nges..haha.. pastu dia tanyela lia dok at ne.. macm2 lgla.. mase tu kiteorg ckp omputih..ahha.. pastu an ttbe dia kata sebenarnya lia ta ley masuk at tempat tu..sbb tu khas untuk artis je.. liapun terdiam.. pastu lia cakpla sory..
liapun kuar cam tu je..nges lia tau..lia ingat dia na dtg jumpa lia tp ta..dia biar je lia pegi,nges.. haha.. sedih au.. liapun teros kuar pastu cter at fazila.. then kiteorg tros balik..lia ingat mimpi nie akn jd yg terindah.. rupanya ta.. rasa sedih adala..herm..

p/s :: harap ini mimpi je..

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Who is he?? His name is Lee Sugeun.. He was born 10.2.1975.. Diala paling kelaka at 2 day 1 night.. yang wat saya ketawa sampai menanges2..haha.. Dia gak ada at gag concert.. Dia nie seorang comedian ngan mc'ing..huhu.. Saya mula minat dia sejak tgk dia at 2 day 1 night tahun lepas.. Dia gak ada twin.. Tapi len bapa ye.. Saiz badan sama,tinggipun sama,..haha..agknya tinggi saya je..tapi twin dia lg tembam skit..

Inilah twin dia.. sama an?? Nama dia Kim Byeongman.. Born 29.7.1978..Da banyak kali tgok my wife is a gangster 3..Tapi td ada at tv8.. Baru perasan yang dia ada.. haha.. jd samseng plak tu..
Diapun comedian/actor/musical actor.. hush.. Dashat2..Suka tgok dia at gag concert ngan at Dream Team..Dorg pnggl dia master.. Mula start minat dia masa tgk The Dream Team 2.. Dia selalu pecah rekod.. Sangchupun kalah ngan dia.. Tapi masa dia muda handsome gak..haha

2010 KBS Entertainment Awards

Tahun nie member 2day 1 night nampaknye telah membolot sekali lagi.. Jiwon,Seunggi ngan Sugeun ketiga-tiganya menang.. Tahun nie Hodong ta tercalon.. Tapi yang bestnye twin saya dua-duanya menang..Lee Suguen ngan Kim Byeongman.. Ingatkan Byeongman je menang rupanya Sugeunpun menang.. Sugeun ngan Seunggi menang mc terbaik.. Jiwon ta silap comedian kot..Ta sangka betul.. Dia an rapper.. Tapi kebanyakannya org gag concert yang menang.. Sugeunpun gag concert gak.. Master Byeongman.. Saya suka name tu.. Dia memang masterpun dan memang patut menang..
Dia ngan twin dia dapt 3 pencalonan.. Harapun menang tp sayangnya member G7 tade..yang ada cuma Kim Sori je.. Hara telah mengambil tahta dr Kim Shinyeoung sbg mc.. Tapi yuchiri ada datang.. Menanges Hara ta caye.. Macam tahun lepas ada 5 pencalonan bg rancangan tv yang terbaik.. 2day 1 night,happy together 3, qualification men, lg dua tu ta tahu. teka sape menang.. Mestilah 2 day 1 night..^_^

2009 KBS Entertainment Awards

Hodong..diepun dapat award sbg mc terbaik..pastu member 2day 1night pegang sepanduk kat belakang..mase nie mc mong ade agy..last sekali 2day 1 night menang sbg ape ntah.. Lee sugeunpun menang sbg the best comedian..
Last year lagi best daripada tahun nie..kenape??sebb taun lepas ada taewoo.. taun ni tade.. bosan..taun lepas Kim Shinyeoung won award sbg mc.. klaka betol..dia nges je..pastu senyap pastu nanges balik.. Lgi sape ey menang..tu je yang saya ingat..

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Danny oppa!!

Happy Birthday Oppa..!sorry i'm late to wish..mianhe.. now ur age will be 31..haha.. but in korea ur age 32..i heard u have a fanmeeting right??and ur fan prepared cake for u.. i hope i'll be there..haha..what i have gave u as a present??i'll think about this later.. i hope u'll be happy always.. i know how typical of you.. just like me..
haha..but u always take care the people u love..
like god..i know u take care them in god..they call u as mom of god..haha..and joon as a
p/s:: always love you!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Birthday oppa!!

Today is ur birthday oppa..i never forget..Sangil chukka hamnida!! Dlu an lia ingt kmu sme umo ngan danny tp rupenye kmu 1 thun lbh tua dr danny.. Dan umo oppa skang genapla 32.. da na tua da.. huhhu.. hope member len wish ur birthday.. Lia sayng at kmu.. ntahla.. harp taun dpan taun oppa.. slalu tgk oppa b'lakon kat MBC/SBS je ble na ade at KBS.. promise u'll always do the best k!!! Saranghanda oppa!!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Song Seung Heon Oppa

Ouh yeah!! He's my lovely person.. huhu.. I like to introduce who is he.. His name is Song Seung Heon.. He was born in 5 october 1976.. He is a model and actor.. =) At 28 he was to serve the army for two years.. He was discharged in 15 November 2006.. For me he was the best actor in South Korea.. but the reality he's top ten the bast actor in korea.. I start to know him when i was watching him in kbs by drama summer scent.. The 1st drama is Three Guys and Three Girls ( MBC 1996 ) , Beautiful Lady ( SBS 1997 ) , You and I ( MBC 1997 ) , Cheat ( SBS 1998 ) , Message ( SBS 1999 ) , Happy Together ( SBS 1999 ) , Love story ( SBS 1999 ) , Popcorn ( SBS 2000 ) , Autumn Fairy Tale ( KBS 2000 ) but i'm not sure if this drama is autumn in my heart.. Law Firm ( SBS 2001 ) , Summer Scent ( 2003 ) , East Of Eden ( MBC 2008 ).. the 1st films is Calla ( 1999 ) , Make it Big (2002 ) , So Close ( 2002 ) , Ice Rain ( 2003 ) , He was Cool ( 2004 ) , Fate ( 2008 ) , The Invicible ( 2010 ) and lastly Love and Soul ( 2010 ) and this year he films in Japan.. I hope the film will success..
p/s :: oppa hwaiting!! oppa jjang!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

T-Virus Show 2010

This is 1st concert that he make after 2 years in military.. Such a long time to see his perform again.. This concert in 18 and 19 December.. He invited bi rain and lyn.. He's a good entertainer and also he's funny guy.. Every moment his fans laugh and laugh.. When bi arrived they talk about jyp.. They copy style jyp.. The next day, he sing a song god.. This is part that i wait with high hopes..huhu.
I hope the other member can came to perf together but only taewoo.. He sing to my mother, i love and remember and lie.. This is awesome.. He's full of energy.. I almost cry..huhu.. He makes me remembered when they're still together.. They're someone special in my life.. The most that i love about him is when he remember about god.. When he's won award or whatever, he's always mention about god.. He said thank to all god member including kye sang.. and also when he in any program tv he's always mention about god.. He said if god is comeback all the new group such 2pm or others,they can't challenge how good of god and how famous of god..haha.. klaka tol.. Ops.! Lari tjok plak..ok2.. We continue our lessons..haha.. After he sing god song..Lyn was arrived.. And they sing guedae and english song.. They looks like couple.. Sweet couple.. I'm so jealous to see how closely they're.. They dance together.. Hug each other..argh!! They make me crazy already.. Bak kate org melayu bagai pinang di belah dua..huhu..

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

[Mr.SonTV ]Son Hoyoung& friends' improvising harmony

before Vancouver concert
Ho Yong was sick..because of a sore throat.
Concet delayed because of Olympic season traffic, so they are waiting.
But someone start to play guitar, they make a small concert behind the stage.
They sing opposite attract from god..their 6th album..
I'm sure they forgot already..hoi asking taewu what the first lyric..
And taewu make his own lyric..haha..he forgot already.. but nice..
god Forever!!yeah!!


1. Your whole room is painted sky blue. [ yes but when i have my own house ]

2. Okay, admit it--your entire house is sky blue. [no answer ]

3. You're going to name your future child Jae Min. [ absolutely not but i wish that my future child like Jae Min]

4. Whenever it rains, you run up to a girl with an umbrella and go,

" Are you...Yoanna? (Huh??) Oh I'm sorry.

You just looked so much like a girl I used to know." [ way man ]

5. Your favorite food has become JJA JJANG MYUN. [ no comment ]

6. *You think sky blue is a primary color. [ yup ]

7. You want to sue all bleach making companies. [ no comment ]

8. *You frequently call your boyfriend "Kye Sang". [ of course i do if i have ]

9. Whenever you meet someone, you and your friends go "1, 2, 3, ahnyounghahsaeyo _______eebneedah!" [ maybe ]

10. Your whole hard drive is full of every piece of G.O.D multimedia there is. [ no comment ]

11. *Whenever you see a baby, you automatically think "Jae Min's a lot cuter!" [ yes ]

12. *Whenever you see Winnie the Pooh, you think "TAE WOO!" [ absolutely i do ]

13. You by candles wherever you go. [ no ]

14. And now your whole room is full of candles. [ no ]

15. You will never buy a balloon unless it's SKY BLUE. [ maybe but i'll buy red balloon to ]

16. You have a total of 54+ balloons in different shades of sky blue. [ i want ]

17. All of your clothes are sky blue. [ no ]

18. ...So all of your friends think you wear the same thing everyday. [ huhu ]

19. *When someone complains to you, your response is "Nae gah wae~~~~~~~~" [ sometimes ]

20. You and your friends call yourselves the "Dwaeji Gahjohk~" [ no ]

21. *You have all of G.O.D'S songs memorized. [ almost but i'll try 2 memorized all of g.o.d songs ]

:: i want to be the true fans of god..

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

[Mr.SonTV] When We feel Son Ho Young is Real Professional

3. 10 minutes before plane leave
He was signning to children
Manager said to children" We should go to take on flight"
But Hoyoung said to children"it's Ok, if we don't go, plane don't go."
He eased children's mind, and signed to every children.

2.After Son Ho Young's Vancouver Concert
There was no space in car.
Son HoYoung was super tired, but he took on the trunk of the car for one and half hours
instead of staffs.
He said "Car trunk is much more comfortable than seat.
I am crazy." And after took off the car, he smiled and went back to hotel as he always do.

1. after Chicago Concert
Fan won his instinct
He should go to restroom.
But he met fans.
"See... perfect smile...
""I cannot do it."
And then he says "thank you"
Winning human's strongest desire for fan.

*first scene is the happening in Thai airport.

:: ommo..he's so kind person..that's why i like u hoi..
i never see this kind of person, i means entertainer like u..=)

LoVe RaiN by Kim Tae Woo Sshi

Once someone I loved left me and I thought it was all because of me, so I couldn’t hold onto her.
I thought that I could forget this pain, that another love will come to me.. but why can’t I forget?
All I can do is to look up at the sky and shout once again “love me”, when this little hope in my heart becomes rain and falls.
When my love rains on my head the memories come alive again. When it rains on my heart I think of the precious love.
When my love touches my lips, I love you shouting to me. Following the road where the rain comes, you’ll see me waiting for you if you keep on walking, walking and walking.
Open the box called love with they key of faith, call with the phone transmitting a prayer called love, even if my heart can’t find you.
All I can do is to look up at the sky and shout once again “love me”, when this little hope in my heart becomes rain and falls.
When my love rains on my head the memories come alive again.
When it rains on my heart I think of the precious love.
When my love touches my lips, I love you shouting to me.
Following the road where the rain comes, you’ll see me waiting for you if you keep on walking, walking and walking.
Return again to that time.. to my life like that one time when you prayed.
When I shout like this….. the love rain falls……
When your love rains in front of my eyes you stand in front of me.
When it rains on my ears, you whisper love into my ears again.
I love you when I hug you, when I become happy again.
Following the road where the sun shines on, we will see us if we keep on walking, walking and walking.
Yeah ~ Once again praying for you to come back to me

::well,i know this song is old already but it's not to late am i right??=)

Monday, November 22, 2010

g.o.d - Yaksok MV

i promise that u're only my legend..
i promise that u're the only group in my heart..
i promise that i'll love and remember you until the end..
i promise..yaksok..

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Yoon Kye Sang misses his g.o.d. days

Yoon Kye Sang was present today at a press conference / production talk-session for his movie "Executor (집행자)" where he talked about his g.o.d. days. He said, "Having the title of an idol turned actor made me work extra hard on acting. As an actor, I still have many flaws and I have a lot to learn."Yoon Kye Sang is widely known for being part of the popular 90's boy band g.o.d., a group he dropped out of to pursue his acting goals.

He said at the session, "Sometimes I miss my idol days and I want to feel the popularity I once had again. [how about the others member??huh..]I can build myself as an actor and that makes me happy. I am not the most known actor... maybe because my dramas haven't worked out so well but I keep my head up and continue to try hard. People ask me why I always do such heavy projects, but I don't do it for fun. I do it because I feel something inside and I want to carry that emotion out to people.

After my first project, "Ballet Training School" I learned about my sincerity towards acting. I learned how to pick the projects I want to be part of. I don't just pick the pretentious / artsy ones, I like to have variety."When asked what he has to say for his idol turned actor hu-baes he said, "I just want to tell them to really get out there and learn a lot. Go on the sets and take in everything, study everything.

Take chances and go for it, that's the best way to go about it. It's good to first build your status but it's more important to learn everything from sunbaes. Don't think of acting as an easy thing and work hard. Work so hard so that people can not make stereotypes against idol turned actors.

:: "Kim Tae Woo, Son Ho Young, and Danny Ahn have been frequent guests on variety shows these days where they've been sharing many g.o.d. stories. It makes me relieved to know Yoon Kye Sang remembers some himself. I hope he always contact each others.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

JYP, Kim Tae Woo, Son Ho Young, and Rain together for a night out

The old members of JYP Entertainment reunited like old times and came together for a night out at a club in Korea. This is a reunion considering the fact that JYP (Park Jin Young), Son Ho Young, Kim Tae Woo, and Rain / Bi all are with different companies now. Rain arrived at the "Le Nuit Blanche" club on the 11th at around 12:30AM.

This was the after party for his concert on the 10th which took place at around 8PM. After he finished, he made his way to the club to celebrate his successful concert. As he entered, JYP was by his side. They came in together with dancers, company representatives and other friends. Once they entered they headed into the VIP section of the club.

At around 1:00AM, former g.o.d. members Kim Tae Woo and Son Ho Young arrived and joined the earlier guests in the VIP. This was Rain's first concert in Korea in three years and the old crew / JYP Entertainment members wanted to celebrate the event. Not only that, Rain also debuted his new group MBLAQ at the concert. It's funny how things are cyclical, how JYP created Rain and g.o.d. years ago and now Rain is creating a group himself, JYP must be proud of his protege.

Rain said, "Now I know how JYP must have felt back then." He personally invited JYP to his concert and even invited him on stage, he finished his concert with his best teacher's cheering. Back to the club, the former JYP Ent. members talked casually and were seen laughing and enjoying themselves. Rain said, "Because the old JYP family got back together, we had fun. JYP told me MBLAQ has a chance at becoming big, he also congratulated me for my debut as a producer.

Once again, I thought of JYP first, I want to thank him."Rain even got on stage at the club and danced with his dancers for a little bit. Even though the fans crowded him, he ignored the attention and just had some fun. At around 3:00AM, Son Ho Young and Kim Tae Woo were seen exiting the club. 20 minutes later, JYP was seen leaving. At around 4:00AM, Rain was spotted leaving with the rest of the party. Outside the club, both foreign and Korean Rain fans were crowding the area. But after a tiring day, he didn't stick around, Rain quickly left in his van.Though all four of them have gone their separate ways, their friendship hasn't ceased just yet and I hope to see them support each other forever.

When I look at those pictures, isn't it great if Joon and Danny also there. I remember there is one pic that Rain went to Cali and he hang out with Joon. Plus if we had more insider pictures too. I love the family bond. Happy Family.. ^_^

Sunday, November 7, 2010

jyp text messages to??

Park Jin Young confesses, WonderGirls and I don't play around well these days
Producer singer Park Jin Young (37) talks about the WonderGirls members going into adolescence period.

Also on the show, Park Jin Young sent out text messages to the singers under him the message
Who am I to you?.
And 2AM Jo Kwon answered (An existence close to god), Kim TaeWoo replied (The father of my life), Son HoYoung replied (My ideal type). 2PM Nich Khun also gave a cute answer (The teacher who likes the rice cake I bought)haha.

Park Jin Young also revealed on the show, I like to work with people whom.I like rather than sings well.
And these people are G.O.D, WonderGirls, 2AM and 2PM.

PS: It seems like the Newsis article left out Rain's answer.
Rain replied with, Hyung, you sure you didn't send this message to the wrong person?
JYP also send it to Danny but he don't reply. Typical Danny.

I hope that JYP can work with them once again.
Even if god will not be under JYPE anymore.
Tae Woo and HoYoung also can come with good music and lyrics.
Just that I love god and JYP combo more sure be great.

PS:: Jyp work with hoyoung in his mini album..
Hoyoung album will release in 2011..

Sunday, October 10, 2010

wHo Is gOd (Park Joon Hyung)??

Park Joon Hyung, who is he??

god's real leader, who is he?
His nickname, Lager Man.
As god's older brother, father, the god members claim that it is because of him that they are still so down-to-earth.
The reason god is so different from other groups may be because he treats his fellow members as younger brothers and his power rap and flexible body!
Though he had trouble at first with Korean, coming from America, and his grandmother being North Korean, he can now not only speak Korean, but he can also make funny jokes.
He is also a talented artist whose drawings are often wanted in art magazines.
Though he seems tough at first, anyone can feel that he is just a big brother.
But when we hear the other god members' stories of how he punished them when he caught them lying, we can see the scary side of him.
But the god fans believe that as god's real leader, he will be able to lead them in the right path. Jjoonie hyung, be healthy and strong!!!

wHo Is gOd (Kim Tae Woo) ??

Kim Tae Woo, who is he??

The man they call heaven's voice, who is he?
Because the distance from Gu Mi to Seoul was too far,
Kim Tae Woo almost gave up his dream of becoming a singer, but when H.O.T's Gu Mi man, Jang Woo Hyuk, succeeded, he gained confidence.
He became god's very last member and has become their pride.
There is no question as to why his fans call him heaven's voice.
But whenever someone talks about Tae Woo's looks, the other members always say,
"Hey, at least you can sing well..." But they also say, "Though he's the biggest out of all of us, if you look at his actions, you can tell he's the youngest."
Because of his bright and friendly personality, he is god's mood maker and even at the studios, he can't stand a quiet mood.
If he feels the mood isn't good, he tries to make everyone happy.

wHo Is gOd (Danny Ahn)??

*Ahn Shin Won(Danny ahn), who is he??

He, who is adored as a heavenly rapper, who is he?
Danny is the most charismatic of all on stage and
his rapping skills are so good, people call him a 'born rapper'.
Even when Danny introduces himself, he says, "Hello, I'm god's rapper, Danny",
which shows how much passion and skill he has for rapping.
He is also very good with emotions and so the main person for emotional rapping and narrating. god fans have claimed that he has a voice that could make a person go crazy.
Away from the stage, Danny is very friendly and gives off a feeling of a cute younger brother, and god fans even claim that he seems like he'll have the most popularity with older women.
He continues to worry though because each day it seems he grows thinner and thinner, and he is the most scrupulous of all of god.
Once, his fellow member Ho Young referred to him as a 'strawberry', his reason being that just like a ripe strawberry, it is easy for him to receive scars.
As sensitive and delicate he is, he makes sure his fellow god members don't receive any scars, and cares for them like a mother.
Even on the radio, the most sensitive member is Danny!
Whenever any of the members say something, he always replies, "Wow! That sounds fun!" or "Aww~" so that the members don't feel bad if they don't get a response.
These days, it doesn't seem that he's taking much care of himself because of the busy schedule but his fans have come to become like him!
The fans have been taking so much care of him that he claims he doesn't feel the need to take care of himself.
Also, as god's fashion leader, he is their official gi gong ja
^^ ! But all god fans agree that Danny is prettiest when he pouts.

tAewU Said::

"A singer feels the happiness when he sings.
Since I'm going to serve the military force,
I need to stop singing for while.
However, I can tell you for sure that god will be coming back."

:: i'm so happy to hear it..^_^

Saturday, October 9, 2010

inTo tHe skY

Dry your eyes, Please don't cry
Even though we can't see each other, We won't be gone
You [fans] are living in our hearts forever
Never again will I experience these happy moments
The happiest moments of my life
Were shared with you
Thank you for always being by my side
Giving the love I could never return
I was happy during those times
I will never forget it until the day I close my eyes
It will be beautifully in my heart forever
On the count of three, we're gonna turn around
Don't ever look back
We never parted; but have only have memories of our love
We won't have any memories of breaking up; only happy moments
The last scene I'll remember is the way I held you in my arms
Tears filled in our eyes, broken hearts will be forgotten
Whenever I think about you I'll think...
Whenever I remember you, I'll remember...
The times when we were happy
Thank you for always being by my side
Whenever I feel like I miss you
I'll slowly think about the memories we had
So that the memories won't fly away,
I'll save them and keep them forever
Fly everything into the sky;
all the memories of us together
so that they will be washed away with our sky-blue color
Through time, whenever i look into the sky
I will remember all the happy times I had,
and how important they were.....

:: i'm sure that they'll come back soon..
god forever!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

bI rAin,Jyp, and tAewOo....

yg tpi skali 2 xtaule spe..sblah die bi rain,jyp and taewoo bear..haha..rain3!i like him..sume die ley wat..ske tgk die dance..lgu baru die love song n hip song???i love it!!kalo tgk vid die cm mjpon ade..haha..taewoo cter kat invicble youth yg rain ade cilok skit step dance dr ckit je..dlu time god bwh jyp entertainment,rainpon sakng rain da x ngan jyp entertainment da..kre rain rpt ngan godla..mse god dlu,rain slalu t'kena ngan god..ade skali nie rain tgh interview then dorg kaco..mse 2 kyesang da xde..ade 1 plak,time 2 da kluar da cter full house..then mse 2 rain kat 1 show nie,die telefonla god..skali god angkat tp dorg ltak blek..cian rain..die glak je..umo die bwh taewoo..28 thun..thun lpas kat 1 show nie an..taewoo cter kat mc 2..coz mse 2 ade 4pilihan sme ade god,jyp,rain atau makanan..mase 2 hoipon ade.. then taewoo cterla pasl rain.. nk tau?? mase 2 rain col taewoo die kate die lpar..then mse 2 taewoo ade concert kot..then lpas concert 2 taewoo bli makann then g umah rain..xsilp cm roti byk taewoo bli juz 4 rain..haha..baik gler taewoo.. pas2 kat show td taewoo kate"rain,aq nk ko bli lg byk dr yg aq bli" die gurau je..pas2 taewoo kate lg"kalo ko tgk skang nie,lgu love rain..tgk btape sygnye aq kat ko smpe tjok lgupon 2lis name ko"..haha..
Then mse taewoo wat concert blan 12 thun lps, taewoo ajk rain dtg kat dienye concert.. Lgpon kalo taewoo wat concert mesti ajk rain.. then rainpon dtg..pas2 dorg ckp2 pasl jyp.. dorg cm ejek lgu jyp.. dorg tiru gaye jyp..haha..klaka..da abis nyanyi 2,rain da nk blek coz ade show..pas2 taewoo kate sarang hae..haha..

wHo's tHiS peRsOn 2 mE??

who's this person??herm??so important in my life??herm??
i dont think so..but this is true..haha..ey gle tol..taewoo..
i want u 2 know that lia syg kmu..sgt2 ke??yela klaka je..
tp 2la kenyataannye..kmu sgt pntg dlm idop lia same ngan org 2 die lg pntg dri kmu..hahatp kedua2nye kmu bwh
die..xpe..okla 2..an3??die no2,kmu no3..taewoo2..alahai..sush tol
nk ilang an kmu dr memory nie..lia xtau smpe ble lia jd cm nie..
jgn mkin parh sudale taewoo..myb kalo jumpe kmu xla separh
nie..tol x??tp kalo tgk kmu kdg2 hapy,kdg2 kalo hapy
2 da cm xingt dunia..2la impaknye kmu tau x..xpenh lia cm
org gler sblom lenpon xla cm lia an??tp lia xpnah menyesal knl kmu..knl ke??haha..fhm2la maksudnye..same gak
ngan org 2,lia xpnah menyesal knal die..lia b'syukur dpt knl
die dan lia die dan kmu adlh sgale2nye bg lia..
tp kmu 2 cm plik je an??yela xpnah jumpepon tp cm ne ley
pnting plak dlm idop lia..dala 2..kang lbh2 org kate lia gler plak..

sOuL TrAiN

kim tae woo a.k.a t-soul..owhk..lia a.k.a taewoo..haha..sesuai x??mestila..haha..prasan je lbh..t-soul??ape 2??2la website taewoo..mcm2 ade dlm2 ..gmbr die yg xley ade 1 photo nie yg lia lia tau taewoo x,cume saje je an3??sume member god xkannye..this website time ari jd die..12.5.2010..
rmai group yg ucapkan tahniah..sape ek??herm..
2pm,girls generation[sebok je],beast ngan adela lg ek??dlm web nie,die ade cter psl die god dlu..dorg dpt awards..1th awards skenye taewoo..hmpir sume org die hug..haha..klaka..2je..


eh...ble plak ade kat website taewoo nie..
ari 2 tgk xdepon..bgosla ltak..god 4ever..hajiman
ane kye sang??ala xbezla kalo xde kye sang..
tomei hoi..nk tau x??website die de background
music then teka lgu pe??die ltak lgu memory
and remembrance..lgu yg die wat untk nynyi
ngan member cm besela xde kye sang..
hurm..khas kpd fan god silela lwat website fan
god k..byk information tntg dorg..haha
ane de org nk tau..kmu sorg jela lia oi..

Monday, June 14, 2010

god[groove over dose]

Groove Over Dose..herm..yo3..god in the house yo..this is only my fav group..korean idol boy band..ditubuhkan pd 1999..leader dorg ofcozla joon..the best boy band in korean..owh..same zamn ngan H.O.T, S.E.S,Shinhwa,Finkl,Fly to sky
n others..Mse nie H.O.T and G.O.D pling famousla..H.O.T leader die kang ta kot.. yg msih together lg bez kalo godpon sme..

Fly to sky..Brian Joo..nt blan july die nak wat fan meeting kat kl,sunway pyramid..pkol 3-5pm..nk g ke x ek?ey..lari topic plak..ptotnye cter pasl god nie group len plak..adoyai..ok..1th album 1999 lgu dorg yg famousla to my mother..2th plak sme gak 1999 lgunye friday night..comel danny..3th pling wat an dorg lg famous..lie..album 3th nie the best sold album in korea..xde spe ley tanding ngan dorg..nk tau brape??hampir 2 fav song..4th plak lgu gil[road].then album 4th nie dapt 2million..terer x??haha..2003,5th plak pyunji[letter]..last kyesang ade dlm god sblom g military..da tinggl 4 org je..uwaaaa..2004,6th the ordinary day..lgu nie dorg wat cendiri b'dasarkan pengalamn dorg..2005,the last album 7th into the sky..

Hijae nanineasengana,cakuneasengana..huh..owh..lpe nk ckp..dlm group nie plg famous ofcozla kyesang,hoi,danny,joon and taewoo last skali..haha..cian die.. hajiman yg pling rmai fans bg surt adlh joon.. kye sang pling ske buli taewoo..dorg ske buli die..haha..kdg2 2 cian laks kat taewoo..mentg2 die pling mude..haha..dan yg pling cm dak2 gak taewoola..dala kalo dorg buli je joon mesti mara..hah..da cm bpak org plak..yela die an pling tue..nk tau x?? danny 2 cousin joon..xsangke plakk dorg nie cousin..

Lpas kye sang discharged dri military die kate die nk tumpu sepenohnye pd b'lakon..xnk nyanyi da..sdh gler au..mse dorg wat last consert,dont say goodbye..dorg soh fans dorg nyanyi lgu dashi dr album ke 4 kot..mse fans dorg nyanyi xsangke joon nges..rse nk nges je au..yg len sdh je..mse dorg da x same2 dorg tanye wae3??then myb sbb sume da nk jd actors then nk mse concert last 2 dorg promise akn 2 ble??herm..2nggu jela..yg pasti dorg still support each other..mase kat invicble youth taewoo de kate kalo kteorg same2 blek mesti kalah 2pm..haha..yg len glak jer..2am plak kate die nk jd cm god..famous cm lia xde spe ley tri cm god..god pnah round 100 tmpat/negara untk wat concert..then sumenye sold out..amazing man..haha..dala..pnat 2lis pasl dorg..say g.o.d..g.o.d..god 4ever n ever!!dont make me cry man..all the best man..haha..da terikot joon plak..papai...god..saranghanda..peace yo..

god Kim Tae Woo

ehem2..xtau nk mle dr ane..yg nie plg special dr yg same rate je..xde yg lbh,xde yg kurg..sbb pe lie kate plg special?? bocz lia jmpe die dlu dr dorg.. dlu an 1 time lia tgk die kat music bank,mase 2 nga msj ngan lina,lia ckpla ey byk kali plak pck gmok nie mnang.. lame2 lia ckp kat lina sdp gak sore die an.. lame2 lia da ske die,stiap jumaat tgk music bank mesti 2nggu die..mase 2 lgu love rain ngan heartbreaker asyk dpt antare no 1 or 2..lpas kes gdragon 2,tros taewoo kkl no 1..haha..mse 2 gler hapy..yg ayh ngan ibu plak,ha..2 die mnang tpokla tgn..lia glak je..pdhal mse ayh ngan ibu xde,mmg 2 yg lia wat..siap lompat2 lg..Mse 2 lia 2nggu mane taewoo nie,xdepon..smpe abis music bnk 2 tp die xde..ttbe plak kluar air mate..haha..lia knl die time blan 10,dala brape minggu lg nk pmr..adoyai..mmgla..mse peksepon tingt kat taewo au..parh tol..sbb 2la resultpon trok.. npela xjumpe die lps pmr je..

2007 die di pnggl untk msok ke military..nk tau x??sblom nk g ley lg holiday dgn hoi..haha..kat overseas..sblm 2 lg,jyp,joon ngan danny g dinner ngan taewoo sempena die da nk g military..jyp bg kad kat taewoo..comel kad 2..jyp lukis gmbr taewoo jd army..kat kad 2 jyp 2lis kpd adik yg tersyg..haha..dlm kad 2 jyp ltak gmbr mse die god..time die sek lg..mse da nk g 2 an,jyp ngan joon dtg bg sokongn..danny ngan hoi ade dorg ckp dlm telefon jela..ske taewoo..dala mse die da nk g 2,joon kate mkn byk2 au..jgn sket2..ala t'harunye tgk lpas discharged 2 die da kurus..turun 19 kg..then 25.2.2009..waktu da discharged 2 die xsangke yg die still ade fans lg..

ok..skang nie nk ckp..da tau name birthday die 12.5.1981..then die ske wane merah and cm biru langit..a'ah lpe plak..hoipon ske wane merah..mse god dlu,taewoo ske pki bju red..skang nie byk pki bju biru fav colour..haha..lg pe ek??hobby die watching a movie,listening music and dancing..tmpt study sme ngan hoi..jenis blood plak b..sme ngan joon..die ade 2 name pnggilan 1 pooh dan geum..geum 2 bear..kalo nk cter psl taewoo mmg xabisla jwpnye..byk sgt..
dlu mak die hrap yg die ley jd president korea..haha..coz kat sek die pndai,,tp akhirnye die jd penyanyi plak..start die mle nyanyi ble jyp ajk die g audition..mak die xbg tp lpas jyp 2 ckp ngan mak die,then mak die benrkan..die last member god yg msok group 2..mse 1 die msok,danny xcye yg die dak sek coz bdan die bsar...haha..tinggi die 190..tinggi an??die top 5 the best singer in korea..wah..bangge lia..

sume org ckp die xnsem..burukla,2la,inila..rse cm ntahla..ade skali 2 t'nges plak ble dirg ckp cm 2.. sdh sgt..taula die 2 tp qesh pe..jnji lia myb lia da cm org gler da..slh ke lia mint die??herm??lia taula org mintpon xcm lia an..ntahla..kdg2 2 rse bodopon ade ble pk xkrela..taewoo..saranghanda..nil pilyahae.. just wait me k..i'm coming..1 day i'll makesure that can met u..juz wait matter what happen i alwayz love u..haha..nk ngesla plak ckp cm 2.. i know u cant hear i right??bout i dont care..u alwayz in my heart..^_^

god Danny Ahn

danny3!!sarang hae..hehe..who's danny??herm??moreujyo..an3??DANNY AHN.. lahir lpas 2 hari ari lhir kyesang iaitu 22.12.1979..nie yg pling lia ske..blood die sme ngan lia..jenis 0..dang geul..haha..die lhir kat Washington, yg pasti kat Washington..hobby die drawing, listening the music and writing songs..

Bru cter pasl hidop die plak..mase die dlm group god,die jd dj in kiss the radio..
Then die dapt awards, mse die dapt 2,member godpon nekla pents..pas2 taewoo plak yg ske,die plak yg pgg awards 2..haha..Skang nie die jd actor plak..taun lpas die b'lakon kat kbs world,the slave syg xdpt tgk die b'lakon..gram tol..rse nk nges je..dala dlm cter 2 die mati..sdh gler..seulpeun..;'( Dlm kbs gak die jd leader dlm rancangn let's go dream team 2..dala xreti sukan..adoyai..wat malu je..jd leader plak 2.. Stiap ari rbu wajib tgk die,tp skang da xdpt tgk da..haha..sdhpn ade..Tp yg pling best ble die nk start je mesti dorg jrit2 god..t'harupon ade..walaupon da 2 tp ttp gak..mase ari 2 an,mc 2 kate kye sang da jd actor,taewoo plak singer then danny ape ek??pas2 mc 2 kate leader dream team..ske danny.dala 2..bye..danny hwaiting!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

god Yoon Kye Sang

omg..i really2 miss u kye sang.. :'( odieyo?? i almost crazy already thinking about u..hope u alwayz hapy.. i know about ur past.. dont b sad k.. i alwayz support u especially member of god..^_^.hehe..ble besday ek??20.12.1979..
dkat tarikh lahir danny..twin brother..haha..juz kidding..
hobby die ske men computer games, snowboarding, singing and now actor.. dan ade 1 kesah nie, mse kyesang dlm god..mse 2 joon ngan hoi g bwak jaemin jaln2,then kyesang,danny ngan taewoo dok uma.. dorg berebut nk men game..haha..comel..last2 kye sang pas2 taewoo amek..then danny plak g padam games,pas2 taewoo gdoh ngan danny,pas2 danny t'jatoh,t'hantok kot..cian gler.. then kyesang marah taewoo..hehe..klaka tgk dorg..

Time 2003 last die dlm god..last album time album ke-5..
2004 die da g military..argh!!gler sdih au.. Dala die plg klaka..dala pnah di gosip an dgn hoi plak 2..mse 2 merah mke hoi..malu die..ade lg 1 nie,ciri2 first girl yg kyesang ngan danny kizs, i means first kisz, org yg same..haha..mmg klaka..ley plak same ciri2 girlz 2..Lg pe ek..hurm..ala ntla cter mse kat god..smpe cnie je kot..dala..bye..kyesang!!saranghanda.!!<3

god Park Joon Hyung

what's up man... peace yo.. my name is Park Joon Hyung..u know me??..ofcourse u dont know..haha.. dala..urm.. my birthday 20.7.1974.. msok taun nie da 41.. da tuela plak.. xpela..
i dont care..hehe.. type of blood b..same ngan taewoola.. nickname plak roadman atau jjun..ade lg 1 nie dorg pnggl pakcik gil.. study kat overseas bkn kat korea au.. name school 2 Graduated California State Long Beach University dkat ngan pantai kot.. fav colour plak ofcozla silver..an3.. hobby die plak ske men skateboard,surfing ang working out..Stakat nie da b'lakon dlm 2 movie.. first skali speed racer nagn bi rain.. second plak dragon ball..Lpas god break die tinggl kat LA kot.. Ala yg pasti xtnggl kat korea..Mase the first concert hoi ngan taewoo kat America,joon dtg au.. Glerla..Manje gler taewoo tgk taewoo 2 ble ade joon..Ske sgt hoi ngan taewoo.. Ape lg god is back yo..haha..dala..bye..anyong..cter pasl member god yg len plak..^_^

god Son Hoyoung

yeay2...hoi3..hahaha.. Anyong aseo.. My name is Son Hoyoung..hehe.. Birthday 26.3.1980 in New Jersey U.S..yup..

in 2006 he released his first album 'yes'..lgu2 die i know,love being separation,cryong and blablablaa...time die release sme ngan Taewoo.. Ade ke ptot some1 2 kate hoi tru lgu taeyang wedding dress..ey menyirap gler..padahal lgu i know 2 lg lme dr lgu wedding dress 2..sesedap die je nk kutok hoi..tembak kang bru tau.. 2007 plak kuar lgu my heart is in heaven...Lpe plak nk cakp..type of blood b.. sme ngan taewoo..haha..dorg nie byk plak persamaan..ptotla rpat..di mane taewoo disitula ade hoi..dala tmpat blajapon sme..kat Freshman at Kyoung Hee University,Poast Modern Music Major..dorg mek degree kot..hobby die sport..nipon da jd actor..Skang kat kbs die b'lakon dlm cter becoming a millionaire..die jd salh sorg dr ank org playboy..Nt die ade show kat japan.. Die lg t'knl kat japan dr kat korea..kafin2..haha..hoi saranghanda!!