Saturday, October 9, 2010

inTo tHe skY

Dry your eyes, Please don't cry
Even though we can't see each other, We won't be gone
You [fans] are living in our hearts forever
Never again will I experience these happy moments
The happiest moments of my life
Were shared with you
Thank you for always being by my side
Giving the love I could never return
I was happy during those times
I will never forget it until the day I close my eyes
It will be beautifully in my heart forever
On the count of three, we're gonna turn around
Don't ever look back
We never parted; but have only have memories of our love
We won't have any memories of breaking up; only happy moments
The last scene I'll remember is the way I held you in my arms
Tears filled in our eyes, broken hearts will be forgotten
Whenever I think about you I'll think...
Whenever I remember you, I'll remember...
The times when we were happy
Thank you for always being by my side
Whenever I feel like I miss you
I'll slowly think about the memories we had
So that the memories won't fly away,
I'll save them and keep them forever
Fly everything into the sky;
all the memories of us together
so that they will be washed away with our sky-blue color
Through time, whenever i look into the sky
I will remember all the happy times I had,
and how important they were.....

:: i'm sure that they'll come back soon..
god forever!!!

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