This is 1st concert that he make after 2 years in military.. Such a long time to see his perform again.. This concert in 18 and 19 December.. He invited bi rain and lyn.. He's a good entertainer and also he's funny guy.. Every moment his fans laugh and laugh.. When bi arrived they talk about jyp.. They copy style jyp.. The next day, he sing a song god.. This is part that i wait with high hopes..huhu.
I hope the other member can came to perf together but only taewoo.. He sing to my mother, i love and remember and lie.. This is awesome.. He's full of energy.. I almost cry..huhu.. He makes me remembered when they're still together.. They're someone special in my life.. The most that i love about him is when he remember about god.. When he's won award or whatever, he's always mention about god.. He said thank to all god member including kye sang.. and also when he in any program tv he's always mention about god.. He said if god is comeback all the new group such 2pm or others,they can't challenge how good of god and how famous of god..haha.. klaka tol.. Ops.! Lari tjok plak..ok2.. We continue our lessons..haha.. After he sing god song..Lyn was arrived.. And they sing guedae and english song.. They looks like couple.. Sweet couple.. I'm so jealous to see how closely they're.. They dance together.. Hug each other..argh!! They make me crazy already.. Bak kate org melayu bagai pinang di belah dua..huhu..