Sunday, March 26, 2017

New me

Hi, I'm back. Now I'm going to tell you only a good and happy story. I'll post next time. Adios. :)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

I'm back!

Salam and hey!

Long time no see! There's a lot of topics that I want to share with you guys. So since I'm kpop fans I'm gonna talking about what happen last week between our malay girls with B1A4. I bet you guys know what happen. 

Topik hangat ketika ini. Actually masa saya tengok video tu rasa nak gelak pon ada. Nampak sangat desperate girls tu hug korean artist. Yang bestnya siap dapat free kiss tu. Nampaknya mereka lupa yang mereka berada di Malaysia. Selamat datang ke Malaysia. haha. Mereka lupa agaknya bagaimana orang Malaysia ni. Mereka lupa yang mereka telah menyentuh sensivity Islam. Mereka yang saya katakan ni adalah gadis2 yang dapat free hug and kiss tu. Saya bukanlah nak menyebelahi sesiapa disini. Tapi saya kecewa sebenarnya. Disebabkan gadis2 tu peluk artis kpop, wah satu Malaysia bukan main lagi menjadi keyboard warrior dan mengutuk memaki hamun gadis2 ini. Siap kena denda Rm1000 dan masuk jail 6 months. Tak rasa macam lawak ke? 

Isu yang saya nak bangkitkan disini adalah kenapa mereka saja yang kena denda ? Bagaimana pula dengan yang couple2 di luar sana berpelukan, bermesraan di public figure? Kalau nak dikirakan memang ramai dan lebih teruk lagi, tapi kenapa tak ambil tindakan? Bagaimana pula dengan artis kita yang terang tang2 buat benda yang sama tapi langsung tiada tindakan? Adakah ini yang di katakan adil dan saksama? Saya rasa sangat kecewa. Saya minta agar berlaku adil. Salah tetap salah. Hukum tetap hukum. Jangan berat sebelah. 

Mesti ramai tak setuju dengan pendapat saya ni. haha. Peduli apa kisah ke tak. Yang penting saya dah luahkan apa saya rasa betul dan apa yang saya rasa salah. Susah2 sangat jangan bagi artis luar masuk Malaysia buat concert yang tak mendatangkan faedah. Rasanya itu yang lebih baik untuk Malaysia sebab rakyat Malaysia sekarang ni bukan macam dulu. Kalau korang nak berhiburpun pergi negara dorang tu. Korang nak buat apapun tiada siapa nak larang. Jangan buat malu Malaysia. Tu ja yang saya pinta. Apa pendapat anda? 

p/s: Please be more rational when you making a decision. Think wisely. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Danny Ahn

Happy Birthday Danny oppa!! As you know, his age same with Kye Sang.. I just remember the moment when they're still in g.o.d.. If turn to their birthday, they will celebrate together.. One cake with the name Kye Sang and Danny.. Sweet isn't it?? Can it be happen again???Perhaps.. Danny oppa, it's good to see you with Kye Sang in kbs radio.. I wish you do the best in your life.. Be happy .. And don't forget to share with your g.o.d members.. In Intimate Note, Hoi and Taewoo said that you never share you personal life with g.o.d members.. They even don't know where you live.. heheh.. Oka..that's all.. ALways love you...

Happy Birthday Yoon Kye Sang

Hye everyone, Sorry I'm late to post Yoon Kye Sang birthday.. I'm too busy.. Actually his birthday on 20/12 .. I want to wish for him, Oppa, Happy Birthday.. wish you the best.. Whatever you do in your life,I'll always support you.. This year, 34th already but in korean his 35th.. So I think maybe this is one of te best moment of his birthday.. Why? because all of their misunderstanding with other group member already done.. Just like he said 'I can be happy now'. Our great leader, Park Joon Hyung oppa, wish he and danny birthday in twitter. Be happy Kye sang oppa.. Only one hope that I want is you'll comeback with g.o.d someday.. At least one album.. =) Love you...

Monday, December 17, 2012

god Yoon Kye Sang and god Kim Tae Woo

Hye.. Did you see that picture right? Yoon Kye Sang and Kim Tae Woo.. I don't know If you realise or not.. After I watch One Table , it's make me think between this 2 guys.. Before this, I just know that Taewoo with Danny and Kye Sang with Hoi.. But after I watched it, I realise that actually Kye sang loved Taewoo more between the other member.. And I know Taewoo also loved him .. for 4 years they lived together.. Everyday ,Kye Sang bullied his younger brother Taewoo.. I'm so sorry Kye Sang for blame you ..  Now there's no more misunderstanding between them... I'm happy ^^

One Table's Yoon Kye Sang

Joon Hyung : Being here this with the younger brohter(god) that I loved the most. I'm really thankful for                                                allowing us to be in this place and also thank to kye sang for invited us here. I'm so proud of you , my brothers.^^

Okay,I just skip what they said..
Danny : When 6th album, we always greeting '1,2,3 god imnida' .It's felt something missing.. Because of 4 of us.. 

Taewoo : It's felt unpleasant.. 
Before Kye Sang went to military, Taewoo ask Kye Sang, 'Hyung , what do you think of doing                       god together again? Kye Sang keep reject it 'No,No,No'. Reason 'I was the one who ran , As I promised to go up the summit with the acting path that I choose, If I were go back again, just how disgraceful would it be'. Between 4 of us , Kye Sang ask me first, 'Taewoo, hyung is doing this program (One Table) and want to invite you all on it'.

Kye Sang : 'I did not withdram because I wanted to be an actor. My reason is I want to quit to be a celebrity. But my path is going be actor. You know it too, how much I loved god,how much I want to be together. You had no idea how much I love you. That why I felt dissapointed. My most beloved Hoyoung ,my most beloved Taewoo. Last year, Taewoo made this kind of request to me. During the wedding ,'Hyung ,can you go up and sing together?'. I really wanted to sing for my maknae. Really, Sincerely. But what did I say.. What was that.. I can't do it.. and it was not a big deal actually. My youngest brother is getting married and even that, I didn't even give you a present. What was that.. This is not it.. Ahh.. you are my beloved younger brother but.. huh..

Happy ending ..
Kye Sang : I think now ,I can be happy again.. ^_^

p/s : I just hope that someday they will make a comeback as 5.. I'm really happy that after 8 year,this misunderstanding was end.. Please be happy.. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

g.o.d vs Kim Tae Woo??

Hye guys.. 1.26 am already.. So good morning^^ hehe.. Actually I just want to share with you about this guys.. Yesterday I already think about it but I've meeting last night.. This is my chance to talk about it.. As you know from my last2 story, is all about g.o.d right? So this time, I want to talk about them again.. Maybe you guys boring already but only this group that can move me.. 

If you guys ask me , who will I choose between them? g.o.d or Kim Tae Woo? as you know , I know Kim Tae Woo first .. Maybe you will say that I'm gonna choose Tae Woo right? it's wrong.. If you ask me, I'll choose g.o.d rather than taewoo.. why?? Because without g.o.d Kim Tae Woo will not born in this industry.. Without JYP too, he will not entered this industry.. JYP and g.o.d make who him this day..  If you ask me who I loved more?? I'll choose g.o.d too.. 

I think Kim Tae Woo also think what I'm think.. Trust me.. My instinct is he really loved g.o.d.. Everything when he do a performance , there will be a g.o.d songs.. Every show he do, he will talk a little bit about g.o.d. That's why I loved this guy.. He never forget what make him today.. They're been loyal with JYP till the end even one company offer father's Taewoo 600000 million for g.o.d.. They still loyal to JYP.. 

g.o.d is the main character.. What I'm gonna to say is If g.o.d will make a comeback, they must be so happy.. Not only them but for fangod too.. Thanks g.o.d for making my day since 2009.. it's such a pleasure to know you.. If I didn't know g.o.d ,till now I'll not I'm today.. Thanks to God too for allowed me to know you^^

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

T-Virus Concert vs Album Word I'd Want To Say

 Hye buddy.. How are you today?? Actually I'm in big problem.. That's because of money.. haha.. You want to give me some money?? haha.. Just kidding.. Actually I want to buy his album.. But I don't know which one? This album, RM 80..

For this T-Virus Concert is RM 150.. How?? I don't have enough money to buy this.. But If i'm think about it again, better buy this than RM80.. Can I sacrified just like before??  In I day I just eat one time only for buy T-School album.. haha.. Because my mom birthday on this December.. I want to buy some gift for her.. So it's not enough money.. Arghhhh!! Stress! My mom or taewoo?? If you as me?? who will you choose? of course mom right?? haha.. I don't know3!!! Enough money or not i still have to buy it.. In my saving I've Rm 200.. Is it enough to buy both of that?? My mom present and taewoo dvd concert??