Thursday, December 30, 2010


Ta sangka betul..haish.. malam td lia mimpi.. dan mimpi pasl taewu..haha.. rasa2nya mimpi yg indah atau ta? mesti korg rasa yg indah an..huhu
ceritanya cam nie.. lia ta taula masa tu kat korea atau malaysia.. lia ngan fazila g satu event nie..
masa tu kiteorg di jemput.. then kiteorg dokla luar..da abez makn,da na balik..pastu lia t'pandang sebelah kiri dan ttbe lia t'nmpak taewu..tapi mase tu ramaila lg artis korea ada.. mungkin taewu baru smpai..liapun terus lari tapi bkan terus g kat dia..juz lalu je na tgok dia..ta brani na tegur dia lg..lgpun dia nga cakap2 ngan artis len.. pastu lia pandang lg skali tgok dia da hilang.. lia na buktikan kat org yg ta caya yg lia ley jumpa taewu tu..sbb tu lia membranikan masuk untuk jumpa dia..liapun terusla cari dia kat dalam.. pastu ta jumpa..tgok2 dia nga duduk..sorg je plak tu.. tp mase tu dia cm ada at 1 tempat niela.. ttbe lia brani plak na jumpa dia.. liapon pegila pastu da dekat tu..lia hulurkan tangan na salam ngan dia.. dan diapun bg signal.. betapa happynye saat tu.. lia teus hug dia..haha..lame plak tu..lia cakapla kat dia, lia na nges..haha.. pastu dia tanyela lia dok at ne.. macm2 lgla.. mase tu kiteorg ckp omputih..ahha.. pastu an ttbe dia kata sebenarnya lia ta ley masuk at tempat tu..sbb tu khas untuk artis je.. liapun terdiam.. pastu lia cakpla sory..
liapun kuar cam tu je..nges lia tau..lia ingat dia na dtg jumpa lia tp ta..dia biar je lia pegi,nges.. haha.. sedih au.. liapun teros kuar pastu cter at fazila.. then kiteorg tros balik..lia ingat mimpi nie akn jd yg terindah.. rupanya ta.. rasa sedih adala..herm..

p/s :: harap ini mimpi je..

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Who is he?? His name is Lee Sugeun.. He was born 10.2.1975.. Diala paling kelaka at 2 day 1 night.. yang wat saya ketawa sampai menanges2..haha.. Dia gak ada at gag concert.. Dia nie seorang comedian ngan mc'ing..huhu.. Saya mula minat dia sejak tgk dia at 2 day 1 night tahun lepas.. Dia gak ada twin.. Tapi len bapa ye.. Saiz badan sama,tinggipun sama,..haha..agknya tinggi saya je..tapi twin dia lg tembam skit..

Inilah twin dia.. sama an?? Nama dia Kim Byeongman.. Born 29.7.1978..Da banyak kali tgok my wife is a gangster 3..Tapi td ada at tv8.. Baru perasan yang dia ada.. haha.. jd samseng plak tu..
Diapun comedian/actor/musical actor.. hush.. Dashat2..Suka tgok dia at gag concert ngan at Dream Team..Dorg pnggl dia master.. Mula start minat dia masa tgk The Dream Team 2.. Dia selalu pecah rekod.. Sangchupun kalah ngan dia.. Tapi masa dia muda handsome gak..haha

2010 KBS Entertainment Awards

Tahun nie member 2day 1 night nampaknye telah membolot sekali lagi.. Jiwon,Seunggi ngan Sugeun ketiga-tiganya menang.. Tahun nie Hodong ta tercalon.. Tapi yang bestnye twin saya dua-duanya menang..Lee Suguen ngan Kim Byeongman.. Ingatkan Byeongman je menang rupanya Sugeunpun menang.. Sugeun ngan Seunggi menang mc terbaik.. Jiwon ta silap comedian kot..Ta sangka betul.. Dia an rapper.. Tapi kebanyakannya org gag concert yang menang.. Sugeunpun gag concert gak.. Master Byeongman.. Saya suka name tu.. Dia memang masterpun dan memang patut menang..
Dia ngan twin dia dapt 3 pencalonan.. Harapun menang tp sayangnya member G7 tade..yang ada cuma Kim Sori je.. Hara telah mengambil tahta dr Kim Shinyeoung sbg mc.. Tapi yuchiri ada datang.. Menanges Hara ta caye.. Macam tahun lepas ada 5 pencalonan bg rancangan tv yang terbaik.. 2day 1 night,happy together 3, qualification men, lg dua tu ta tahu. teka sape menang.. Mestilah 2 day 1 night..^_^

2009 KBS Entertainment Awards

Hodong..diepun dapat award sbg mc terbaik..pastu member 2day 1night pegang sepanduk kat belakang..mase nie mc mong ade agy..last sekali 2day 1 night menang sbg ape ntah.. Lee sugeunpun menang sbg the best comedian..
Last year lagi best daripada tahun nie..kenape??sebb taun lepas ada taewoo.. taun ni tade.. bosan..taun lepas Kim Shinyeoung won award sbg mc.. klaka betol..dia nges je..pastu senyap pastu nanges balik.. Lgi sape ey menang..tu je yang saya ingat..

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Danny oppa!!

Happy Birthday Oppa..!sorry i'm late to wish..mianhe.. now ur age will be 31..haha.. but in korea ur age 32..i heard u have a fanmeeting right??and ur fan prepared cake for u.. i hope i'll be there..haha..what i have gave u as a present??i'll think about this later.. i hope u'll be happy always.. i know how typical of you.. just like me..
haha..but u always take care the people u love..
like god..i know u take care them in god..they call u as mom of god..haha..and joon as a
p/s:: always love you!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Birthday oppa!!

Today is ur birthday oppa..i never forget..Sangil chukka hamnida!! Dlu an lia ingt kmu sme umo ngan danny tp rupenye kmu 1 thun lbh tua dr danny.. Dan umo oppa skang genapla 32.. da na tua da.. huhhu.. hope member len wish ur birthday.. Lia sayng at kmu.. ntahla.. harp taun dpan taun oppa.. slalu tgk oppa b'lakon kat MBC/SBS je ble na ade at KBS.. promise u'll always do the best k!!! Saranghanda oppa!!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Song Seung Heon Oppa

Ouh yeah!! He's my lovely person.. huhu.. I like to introduce who is he.. His name is Song Seung Heon.. He was born in 5 october 1976.. He is a model and actor.. =) At 28 he was to serve the army for two years.. He was discharged in 15 November 2006.. For me he was the best actor in South Korea.. but the reality he's top ten the bast actor in korea.. I start to know him when i was watching him in kbs by drama summer scent.. The 1st drama is Three Guys and Three Girls ( MBC 1996 ) , Beautiful Lady ( SBS 1997 ) , You and I ( MBC 1997 ) , Cheat ( SBS 1998 ) , Message ( SBS 1999 ) , Happy Together ( SBS 1999 ) , Love story ( SBS 1999 ) , Popcorn ( SBS 2000 ) , Autumn Fairy Tale ( KBS 2000 ) but i'm not sure if this drama is autumn in my heart.. Law Firm ( SBS 2001 ) , Summer Scent ( 2003 ) , East Of Eden ( MBC 2008 ).. the 1st films is Calla ( 1999 ) , Make it Big (2002 ) , So Close ( 2002 ) , Ice Rain ( 2003 ) , He was Cool ( 2004 ) , Fate ( 2008 ) , The Invicible ( 2010 ) and lastly Love and Soul ( 2010 ) and this year he films in Japan.. I hope the film will success..
p/s :: oppa hwaiting!! oppa jjang!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

T-Virus Show 2010

This is 1st concert that he make after 2 years in military.. Such a long time to see his perform again.. This concert in 18 and 19 December.. He invited bi rain and lyn.. He's a good entertainer and also he's funny guy.. Every moment his fans laugh and laugh.. When bi arrived they talk about jyp.. They copy style jyp.. The next day, he sing a song god.. This is part that i wait with high hopes..huhu.
I hope the other member can came to perf together but only taewoo.. He sing to my mother, i love and remember and lie.. This is awesome.. He's full of energy.. I almost cry..huhu.. He makes me remembered when they're still together.. They're someone special in my life.. The most that i love about him is when he remember about god.. When he's won award or whatever, he's always mention about god.. He said thank to all god member including kye sang.. and also when he in any program tv he's always mention about god.. He said if god is comeback all the new group such 2pm or others,they can't challenge how good of god and how famous of god..haha.. klaka tol.. Ops.! Lari tjok plak..ok2.. We continue our lessons..haha.. After he sing god song..Lyn was arrived.. And they sing guedae and english song.. They looks like couple.. Sweet couple.. I'm so jealous to see how closely they're.. They dance together.. Hug each other..argh!! They make me crazy already.. Bak kate org melayu bagai pinang di belah dua..huhu..