Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Qualifications of Men Part 2

See what I told you last night.. Who's the best ? You can guess who.. Their dream comes true..haha.. I'll upload their photo later if I found it..Alright..That's all for today..bye.. Yang Joon Hyuk!! I never seen you like this before..A lot of improvement.. That's good..Stay in healthy..

Monday, March 19, 2012

Qualifications of Men Part 1

 Look at them.. Who's you think the most handsome guy? They look healthy.. I can't wait to see all of them..   Who's do you think will have a six pack now? Lee Kyungkyu? Kim Gukjin? Kim Tae Won? Yang Joon Hyuk? Lee Yunseok? Jeon Hyunmu? Yoon Hyunbin? We will see the next episode of Qualifications of men.. I already know..
Yang Joon Hyuk, you look better than before.. I think you're the most handsome guy between them..haha You already lost 12 kg.. I don't care about you've a six pack or not..I'm just want you to be healthy.. Jeon Hyunmu, I think you can make it.. Hwaiting2!!! Don't forget to read Qualifications of Men Part 2..