Monday, July 25, 2011


oppa!!!!why??why?how can u lose with k.will???why??i thought u'll win..u know what i always think about your perf?is it great?the best among the 7 vocalist?when i heard that u lose my feeling down..i dont know what i'm gonna to do.. but whn i saw ur perf i'm so happy.. do u want to know?? bcoz u're dancing.. u know what?i miss to see you dance..seriously..actually i dont mind if you win or not..i know this is very hard to you but you do a great job.. i'm proud with you and the other vocalist..

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dont Cry Kim Jung Tae..Uljima3!!

Dont cry anymore.. Seriously when i saw you cried i cant breath..but i want to know why??Maybe bcoz about your parent??Something happen to your parent ??herm??You're good son..So dont cry again okay!!I'll always behind you!!huhu..I dont care what people will say to me bcoz they dont know anything about you..To me u've a special thing that people dont know..I love You Kim Jung Tae!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

my wedding i'm gonna to..

Wedding??i dont know why i think about it..Seriously..Maybe because i watched Kim Tae Woo on kim yuna kiss& cry..huhu..but it's too expensive.. haha.. i want my wedding on ice ski..haha.. that's might weird right??but i'm really want it..So i'll find from rich way..i will make my wishing comes true!!!!!!!! And i want Kim TAe Woo will there too and singing for me..I want you song love rain in my wedding..okay!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

His personality..

This picture can tell you that he's never changed at all..You talk so muchand also always complaint. haha..Thats why i love you..huhu..
But now u're good looking than before and ur singing is better than before keep it up okay!! I hope u'll never forget about ur past memory with jaemin and especially god..This is where u start with ur new career as a singer..I know how meaning god to you right??I'm so happy when i saw you with god..You looks very happy..Just like family..Happy family..I hope one day god will return..That's all i need from all of you..

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


herm..should i call you KJT or KTW??if i call you KTWpeople might think you as kim tae the conclusion is i'll call you KJT.. sometimes when i saw ur face i'll think you taewoo.. bcoz ur height and ur face is similar with him..but i like you not bcoz of that..I like you bcoz u're funny and charm..huhu..
I love guy who look charm just like taewoo..that's why i dont mind if someone that i like not handsome bcoz i know everyone have their own style.. the most why i like you bcoz u can sing...
and i'm not forget that u're actor..One day u'll be the best actor!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

김정태 You Are My Lady

I don't know why i like you..haha..Since i watched you in 2 day 1 night..I think u're funny guy and as an actor but seriously i don't know u can sing..I'm speechless.. I don't know if you can sing so well...Hope i can see u singing often..You've such a beautiful voice..I love you Kim jeong tae!!