Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sir Ramis

Sir Ramis.. When he start teaching, automatically i get heart attack.. seriously.. i can feel my heartbeat..huhu.. why must he attack me?? tergagap2 saya tau ta.. betapa seram tgok muka sir.. i can't speak english but i can write only.. i love bi but i don't like literature.. i love writing only..bcoz literature i got fail in exam.. terok glerla markah.. seumur hidop ta pernah dapt trok cm tu.. I think the way that he teaching can be good for student.. tegas,muka yg mengerikan, kdg2 klakala gak an.. he also kind person.. but when he start talk, everyone get scared to him.. haha.. please don't call my name again.. i don't know how to speak.. menggigil au ble sir tanye sy.. btol sy ta tpu.. kaki nie da cam lmaah je ble sir soal sy.. i should get A in SPM!!

P/S :: Sir, u must teach me until i get A ok!!